
Training and Supports


We hold a series of training events throughout the year to support delivery centres for smooth delivery of UKAP qualifications. Attending these events are a great way for you to meet other Centres, network effectively and share your ideas about best practice.

Our range of support services include bespoke training days delivered at the centre. If you would like to apply for a bespoke training day at your college, please contact us at

Areas of the Training

  • Teaching and learning approaches
  • Assessment and standardisation
  • Quality assurance including internal verification
  • Feedback on centre devised assignments
  • Learner recruitment and induction
  • UKAP policies and procedures
  • Developing and implementing malpractice and maladministration policies

These training will broaden centre staffs knowledge and continuing professional development.

Not all existing qualifications fit the needs of your organisation, which is why we are able to offer Endorsed Learning Programmes our recognition of your own courses and training programmes. The endorsement helps your training stand out from the rest, and brings the prestige of UKAP to employers and learners alike in indigenous market as well as overseas. The availability of such Endorsed Learning Programmes (ELP) gives learners confidence that the programmes are developed around best practice and they are working towards globally recognised standards.

The ELP is not a regulated qualification, however your organisation owns the training programme and it remains unique to your organisation.

Annual quality assurance carried out by UKAP is also a feature of the programme and ensures it meets UKAP standards.

Benefits of Endorsed Learning Programmes (ELP)

UKAP endorsement of your programmes provides learners, employers and training providers assurance that your course meets nationally recognised standards and is directly related to functions that will improve workplace performance.

Endorsement Package

Our endorsement provides:

  • 3 years approval for your organisation to deliver Endorsed Learning Programmes
  • An UKAP certificate to confirm centre approval
  • Use of UKAP logo on promotional materials
  • Inclusion in our centre directory to promote your organisation
  • Issue certificate for learner achievements

Endorsement Process

The process for gaining UKAP endorsement of your learning programme is straightforward and we undertake to respond in timely manner to assist you in this process. The process is simple and outlined below:

  • You must be an UKAP Approved Centre
  • Complete ELP Form for each programme along with syllabus.
  • Transfer centre / ELP related fees to UKAP bank account

Programme Review

  • UKAP conduct review of learning programme and support materials
  • UKAP provide detailed feedback to centre
  • Further review can be undertaken- subject to an additional charge

Programme Endorsed

If the programme review is successful UKAP issues an official confirmation letter to confirm endorsement

Quality Assurance of ELP

UKAP External Quality Assurer (EQA) undertakes checks prior to the first certificate claim. For more information visit Become an Approved Centre page. Alternatively, make a request at

Looking to study an UKAP qualification? Whether you're currently employed or looking to work or enhance your existing knowledge and skills, we have a number of qualifications that will allow you to go ahead of the competition in an increasingly challenging job market. Find several benefits of studying an UKAP qualification.